The Northbrook Park District operates a dog park where your pooch can play, socialize and exercise. This is the only public area in Northbrook where dogs are allowed to run and play off-leash in a completely fenced in area. There is an enclosed 2-acre area for all dogs and a .5-acre area for small dogs. Access to the park requires an annual membership which is available for purchase at any Park District Registration Office.


The Dog Park is only open to Northbrook Residents. All dog park members must have proof of a current Village of Northbrook Animal License available through the Village Hall.

Complete Dog Park Application

Important: Please note that a completed Northbrook Dog Park Veterinarian Verification Form and proof of a current Village of Northbrook Animal License are required before an application is accepted.


Membership applications may also be completed through the following process:

  1. Download the Dog Park Application and Veterinarian Verification Form.
  2. Submit completed forms via email to or drop off your forms at Northbrook Sports Center.
  3. Applications submitted by email receive an invoice when the application is processed.
  4. If renewing, keep your dog park tag and membership ID.
  5. All new members must apply in person to receive a membership card.

Payment is due upon registration:

  • Yearly fee is $60 for first dog, $30 for additional dog.
  • Unincorporated Northbrook yearly fee is $75 for first dog, $37 for additional dog.
  • Northbrook membership season runs from July 1-June 30 (no prorating)
  • Glencoe membership season runs from May 1-April 30 (no prorating)


The Park District developed the Northbrook Dog Park in response to growing interest in the community, as expressed in surveys and public meetings. Northbrook residents identified a dog park as an unmet need in the community. The District worked closely with residents who were able to review design concepts and discuss park features during a Public Input Meeting in August 2012. Funding for the Northbrook Dog Park was approved in the 2012-2013 Capital Improvement Plan. The Northbrook Dog Park opened in December of 2013. Because the Coast Guard Park had been granted from the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1978, the Park District had to obtain approval from the National Park Service for the alternate use of the land, and changes had to be approved by the Park Service.

Other action taken:

The District signed an easement agreement with Underwriters Laboratories that allows the use of its driveway as an entrance to the park.

The District signed an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County that allows access through the park for prairie maintenance in exchange for the use of its fence.


The Northbrook Park District offers Dog Training classes that teach how to effectively train your dog and adapt to your schedule and lifestyle. These classes are inappropriate for reactive puppies to people or other dogs.

Dog Training Classes